Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cool Even in Dreamland

A Sean Agnew dream from a fellow Agnewbian.

"Anyway the dream...I remembered it somewhat more vividly the next day but now it's kind of faded. I was at a family type party at some funhouse/hotel/waterpark with my parents and my grandma, but there were also like tons of other strangers. Anyway, Sean Agnew calls my cell phone, and I'm trying to get away from the crowds cause I'm trying to make party plans. Anyway I'm walking away, and my grandma is hunting me down. She catches up with me, and I'm all like, "grandma, I'm trying to talk to Sean Agnew. I'm making plans to go be a tastemaker, and I can't hear what he's saying so buzz off." Then I head out on to this balcony and Sean is down on the sidewalk with Jarboe and some other dudes (I can't remember who), and they're just like "Heidi are you ready to go," and I'm like "totally let's bounce" and then I woke up."

What does it all mean? Clearly, she is still reconciling the discord between her family life and the nightlife. The waterpark represents the womb, and Sean Agnew symbolizes mankind's historic longing for acceptance. Jarboe, according to my dream book, is subconscious shorthand for 1970's Italian disco.


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