Sean Read Sean Spotter!!!
(And he posts on board.crewcial.org!)
Abridged excerpt from http://board.crewcial.org:
sara telephone: is it here? http://seanspotter.blogspot.com/
heidesha: UH-OH the blog has been found.
sara telephone: it was all over the last drop this morning
SeanAgnew: I am so disapointed that it is not made by 19 year olds
BrothersAreForever : that blog is pretty funny. i can see the homosexual community being really into that.
SeanAgnew: ps. I am trying to get more popularity with the gays (and azns) so please continue
Well Sean, aren’t we all. But I’m ambivalent about Sean’s approval. On one hand you have Dessarae Bradford, Colin Farrell’s “Tonight Show Stalker.” She self published a book called Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy and plans to sue HIM for stalking HER. We could all learn a lot from Dessarae, but the impact and, well, poetry of her book would be lost if it were financed by Farrell’s production company instead of by her own Bank of Crazy.
On the other hand, I once saw this movie about a hiker who was lost in the woods. He approached this cabin that had two young amorous Latinos in the thralls of passion. Well, the hiker couldn’t stop watching the two lovers and started to get aroused himself. Suddenly, one of the Latinos caught the hiker from the corner of his eye. Instead of being angry or calling the police, he was MORE TURNED ON. Anyway, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if Sean wants to be more popular with gays I know a few guys, a couple of places and about 10 beginner’s positions to make that a reality.
Also of interest on this message board thread was the following line.
SeanAgnew: no we like to have drunk cocaine swimming fun at 3am with shitty normal korean girls that we met at an old city after hours club!
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