Sean Agnew: A Look Back, pt 2.
Also, how CUTE is Stacy George? Give that girl some granny glasses, write "bitch" on her stomach in red lipstick and she'd be my high school dreamgirl.

"Do It Yourself" Stalking
I’ve been worried about Sean. He, the king of Philadelphia all-ages-DIY-punk-rawk, was about to see his empire fall from the missteps of a bunch of unwelcome and unfashionable (yeah I know, same thing) crust punks. So I did the first thing any Agnewbian would do: I sent a suggestion to Whole Foods on South Street.
Normally Whole Foods is completely unresponsive to my the time I commented that “Gays, anorexics, and diabetics DEMAND Splenda.” Seriously, why must we go to a different store for our zero calorie, artificially sweetened bliss packets? Only an idiot actually believes that it's "made from sugar so it tastes like sugar," and there are studies, scientific studies that point to a genetic basis for all three of the above tendancies/dispositions/afflications. We need it! It's in our genes!
But anyway, I'm happy to see that Whole Foods finally listened.
Don't say I never did anything for Sean.
Sean Spotted!
(This Gaydiant Boy!)
You may have noticed that posting on Sean Spotter was conspicuously slow last week. As Philebrity noted (, Sean retreated into a self-imposed exile (or “much-needed vacation” depending on whom you ask) following the great Crustfest Riots ‘06. There have been some second-hand spottings (, but by and large Sean has been on the down-low. I mean, more than usual.
I’m happy to report that the boards at Sean Spotter HQ BLEW UP on Saturday with Sean spottings at This Radiant Boy's farewell show at the Khyber and a “random house party.” Some readers write:
“I was at the Khyber last night for the Like A Fox show, and I totally spotted Sean chatting up two surprisingly non-Asian lasses at the bar. The Ardmore hoodie (in up position) was in full effect, but he was rocking it with shorts. When I walked by him, he kinda looked at me like I was supposed to know who he was. I gave him the nod, and he promptly returned it with a look that screamed "I don't know if you know this, but I've hung out with Envy before."
“as a fan of the site, I thought I'd let you know Sean was seen at This Radiant Boy's Retirement Party at Khyber last night...Ardmore hoodie, shorts, and short hair. He had booked the band 5 times in the past.”
"Upstars at the Khyber the DJ's were playing Twee pop until Sean walked in with his Ardmore Hoody and they immediately started playing Oi punk. Curious, no?"
As always, photos tk.